Welcome to X-Men: Avalon, an online collaborative writing experience

"When An Individual Acquires Great Power, The Use Or Misuse Of That Power Is Everything."

~ Professor Charles Xavier


The year is 1992, and the world is trying to cope with the x-gene, a new step in human evolution, according to some. An abomination to nature according to others. Tensions have been on the rise for years, and it all seems to come to a head with groups of mutants across the world revealing themselves.

The Avalon Institute is an educational facility in Scotland financed by an anonymous source and under the leadership of Claire Cavendish the school aims to teach young and developing Mutants not only the regular high school curriculum required by the UK government but also covering the special challenges that the fledgling mutants have to deal with in their lives.

Join the brave and passionate faculty today and impact the minds and hearts of tomorrow!


X-Men: Avalon is based on the X-Men: Animated Series continuity, but all players are asked to create Original Characters for the purposes of the game. We avoid crossing paths with established characters to allow for our creativity to run rampant. Join us today and add your unique X-Person to the team.

X-Men: Avalon is a proud member of Obsidian Fleet

Latest Chapter Posts

» All the world's a stage

Chapter: Besieged
Posted on Wed Oct 9th, 2024 @ 18:14 by Claire Cavendish & Penny Gardner

There was the sound of Return of the Mack drifting from the supply closet at the back of the Drama classroom. It was accompanied by some off key but very enthusiastic singing. The kind that was entirely un-self conscious. “Retuuurn of the Mack!” A feather boa went flying through the…

» Damocles

Chapter: Besieged
Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 15:52 by Jonathan Monroe & Rebecca McMillen

"Look, I said hold still."

Rebecca grumbled, sitting on the ground, on the grounds of Avalon. With the sun setting, this was the 'Golden Hour' of art. Beautiful colors, long shadows, everything around this time was magical. That's probably why it also had the name of the witching hour. As…

» Highwayman

Chapter: Besieged
Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 17:48 by Alastair Temple

As every now and then, Alastair sat in the cafeteria, during off hours. He had his acoustic guitar with him, and just sat idly strumming pleasant chords, softening almost into melody. It was background noise, mostly, for the few that frequented the space even at this hour of the day.…

» P squared

Chapter: Besieged
Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 20:29 by Phoebe Hunter & Tom Albridge & Penny Gardner

Since arriving Penny had rarely sought the refuge of the teachers lounge, but today was a day she needed it. With everything in the news, the kids had been full of uncomfortable questions. The whole morning had been about trying to keep them focused on the work, while also helping…

» In Plain Sight

Chapter: Besieged
Posted on Tue Sep 24th, 2024 @ 0:12 by Matteo Beneventi & Claire Cavendish & Phoebe Hunter

Phoebe paced the polished marble floors of the school's entrance hall, her heart pounding as she waited for Matt to arrive on his bike. She had taken the head start to bring in the supplies she had gotten and stacked them to take to where they were. She adjusted her…