
Articles that help (prospective) players with writing fitting stories as part of the game.

    Dorm rooms

Love writing but not so much into XMen? Don't worry! Have a look at one of our sister sims and join the amazing writers there for fun filled adventures!

In a universe where nothing is set in stone, the NX Atlantis is thrust far from home in a time where the Federation does not own half of a quadrant and technology is only just making space travel comfortable. Decades away from Earth on a ship not meant to be a generational transport. How long do Starfleet ideals and morals hold out against hunger and survival? Join us we explore just how far a stranded crew will go to get home. The idea of a futuristic utopian society might seem like a dream, but for us it's what we love to explore and challenge ourselves with. Our missions are designed to push us to examine the same moral and intellectual questions that classic Trek does, be that through asking how one might interpret the Prime Directive, or what membership in a quadrant-spanning Federation of Planets actually means.