Human Protection Leage

Created by Claire Cavendish on Fri Jan 13th, 2023 @ 15:55

In the early 1970s, a pivotal event unfolds in the United Kingdom as the existence of mutants comes to public attention. This revelation stems from reports of World War II military research, leading to the establishment of an official committee dedicated to addressing the emerging "mutant problem." The Mutant Concern Committee is formed to assess the implications and challenges posed by the newfound presence of mutants in society.

This revelation triggers public distress, causing significant ripples in the political landscape. In response to the mutant emergence, a more conservative political atmosphere begins to take hold, shaping the policies and attitudes of the era.

However, the official committee's tenure is relatively short-lived, spanning just one year. This is largely due to the positive reception of events unfolding in other parts of the world, which alters public perception of mutants. Notably, several key committee members continue to hold the view that mutants pose a potential threat to the general public. In light of this shared concern, they clandestinely collaborate to strengthen national security against this newfound perceived threat.

A clandestine coalition takes form, with three members of the House of Lords taking their covert efforts to the next level by leveraging their connections within the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. This alliance approves the testing and deployment of a new breed of enforcers, known as Sentinels, designed to address the mutant "problem." Despite the best efforts of organisations like MI13 and other pro-mutant groups, the identity of these secretive individuals and the very existence of their organisation remains shrouded in mystery.

Following a number of very public altercations between Mutants and the public in late 1992 the HPL pushes their political connections to the limit in order to implement the Mutant Registration Act. With it they enable themselves to implement the Registration database as well as publicly fund the newly established Genetic Oversight Unit.

Categories: Organisations