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Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 10:14

Andrew Hallows

Name Andrew James Hallows

Role Teacher: Physical Education

Second Role Close Quarters Combat Specialist

Character Information

Gender Male
Powers Density Manipulation, Enhanced Agility and Strength
Powers Description Density Manipulation - The user can change the density of their body. They can be light enough to levitate and flow with the wind, or hard enough to burst through a wall. And if they lighten their density enough, they could phase through a wall. To utilize this ability, he must maintain complete concentration, if his concentration breaks, he will burst through what ever he passes through like a bullet from a rifle. This can be dangerous for him and those nearby if he is not careful. He can only use this ability on himself and any inorganic objects he is carrying, holding or wearing.

Enhanced Agility, Reflexes and Strength - Through rigorous training both his agility and reflexes have been increased, he is able to lift 500 lbs., almost effortlessly, with time that weight limit may increase.
Alias Revenant
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1" (185cm)
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Overall he is an average looking man, standing just over 6 feet and weighing 201 lbs. he is decently toned with a wiry musculature from his time with the military, along with his years of training and competitions from hapkido. He tends to keep his hair close cropped in a military fashion. His most distinctive feature is the trio of gunshot wounds in his upper left leg.


Significant other None
Children None
Parents Father - Jacob Richard Hallows (Police Detective) (Deceased)
Mother - Victoria Audrey Hallows (née Williams) (High School English Teacher)
Sibling(s) None
Other Family Grandfather - James Victor Hallows (Police Detective) (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview From his time with the military, he has a strong protective streak, he is on average a humble person. He takes great enjoyment from teaching the younger generations, much like his mother did while he was growing up. He often does not speak loudly, nor raise his voice, unless such actions are needed. He believes that conservation of both movement and action for his years of hapkido competitions and training.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths-

Overly Protective at times
Reckless, when he is protecting something he cares about
Ambitions He wishes to follow in the footsteps of his parents. He also wishes to find a purpose behind why he survived, and his partner didn't.
Hobbies & Interests Philosophy, Martial Arts, Teaching, Writing, Jogging and passing his knowledge on.

Personal History His father was from Bristol, where his mother is from Manchester. Andrew on the other side was raised in Salford a city on the exterior of Manchester. Victor Hallows, Andrew’s grandfather had been a police officer and held the rank of Police Sergeant in Bristol before he retired and then passed away. His father went a step further then his grandfather, he joined the Special Branch as a detective.

As a child he grew up idolizing his parents, his father the cop and his mother the teacher. At the age of 6 he got into a large fight with several of the bullies at his elementary, he got in trouble with the school, which pulled his mother out of the English class she was teaching and his father from the PD. After this they both agreed that though he wasn’t in the wrong for stopping the fight at school, he still needed structure which is what led to Andrew going to a Hapkido dojo which was run by a family friend. As they had hoped the dojo gave him the structure he needed and taught him conservation of motion.

As a youth, Andrew was an interesting mixture of athletic and nerdy, because of his parents. Jacob was a very active outdoorsy sort of person, while on the flip side his mother being an English teacher was heavily into reading many different subjects. With that in mind, Andrew became a mixture of both of his parents.

At the age of 13, he went hunting with his father and that was the first time his density manipulation activated, needless to say, it was a shock to both him and the deer he was hunting as he suddenly began floating overhead.

Thanks to the way his powers were, he was able to train in secret to increase his control, through meditation and continued rigorous training in Hapkido.

In high school, when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, it was obvious that he was torn in what he wanted. Which is why he made something of a compromise. He went to college for an English Degree, while being in the UOTC (University Officers Training Corps), with the intent of being like his father a British Army Officer and later a Detective.

Upon completing his first 4 years of college and attaining his BA in English, he went directly from being a student to being a second lieutenant with Royal Military Police SIB(Special Investigation Branch) on top of additional training in SCIC (Serious Crime Investigation Course) based out of Alexander Barrack. After three years and attaining the rank of Captain, he saw a special assignment to Kuwait. So, in many ways he was equal parts his mother and his father who passed away will he was in Kuwait, the only thing he didn’t share with his mother was that he wasn’t a teacher.

At the age of 30, he was medically discharged, due to an incident that left him with a triangle of gunshot wounds to his upper right leg, which left him hospitalized for months for recovery, an incident he refuses to talk about. He returned home to Salford briefly, before moving to Manchester. This way he could remain close enough in case his mother needed something, but far enough away to begin his own life. He got his teaching license, so that he would be able to work as Substitute.

During this time in Manchester he took to working various jobs to maintain the ability to live on his own, while during the night utilizing his abilities as a sort of Good Samaritan/Vigilante, with his abilities he has been able to keep his identity secret as he honed his skills and made a name for himself as Revenant, the hidden martial artist.

During one such bout of vigilantism, which included him taking down a trio of jewel thieves, the MI-13 caught up with him and detained him. This was when he met both Claire Cavendash and Phoebe Hunter, who he found out later were connected to the Avalon Institute. They were willing to grant amnesty for his "crimes" as long as he would come to the Institute and teach.

Hallows holds the rank of 4th Dan in Hapkido.
Mutant Registration Status Known Unregistered Entity
Assigned House None