Crew Awards

See the Sun Rise See the Sun Rise
This player has contributed at least one post to the first ever chapter of X-Men: Avalon, Dawn of Avalon
Mindshaper Mindshaper
This player has contributed at least one post where their main character is teaching a regular class during the Dawn of Avalon chapter.
Truly gifted Truly gifted
This player has contributed at least one post where their main character uses their mutant abilities to solve a mundane issue during the Dawn of Avalon chapter.
Dawnbringer Dawnbringer
This player has achieved all available achievements in the Dawn of Avalon chapter!
Trick or Treat Trick or Treat
Write a post where your character plays a trick on another character, or provides them with a sweet treat during the All Hallow's Eve chapter.
Jump Scare Jump Scare
Write a scary post during the All Hallow's Eve chapter.
Oh My Gourd Oh My Gourd
Engage in one of the local Scottish Traditions surrounding Halloween during the All Hallow's Eve chapter.
Witch's Hat-trick Witch's Hat-trick
This player has achieved all available achievements in the All Hallow's Eve chapter!
Outreach Programme Outreach Programme
Interact with a local character that your character hasn't interacted with before during the Winter's Crest Festival.
Naughty List Naughty List
Discovered an act of vandalism in the Institute during the Winter's Crest Festival celebrations on Friday December 18th, 1992.
Very Festive Very Festive
Has lead a workshop or performance in preparation of or during the Winter's Crest Festival.
Santa's Little Helper Santa's Little Helper
This player has achieved all available achievements in the Winter's Crest Festival chapter!
Undecided Undecided
This character has debated the pros and cons of the mutant registration act as part of the Besieged chapter.
Unchained Unchained
This character has found a creative way to avoid the blockade set up around Avalon Institute by the Genetic Oversight Unit during the Besieged chapter.
Unbroken Unbroken
This character has faced off directly against the Genetic Oversight Unit during the Besieged chapter.
Unphased Unphased
This player has achieved all available achievements in the Besieged chapter!