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Even Rocky had a montage

Posted on Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 9:47 by Phoebe Hunter & Andrew Hallows & Jonathan Monroe & Kaylee Ashton BSc

Chapter: Besieged
Location: Avalon Institute, Gymasium
Timeline: Thursday, 28th of January, 1993
1752 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Having gone through the first bit of training to see where everyone was at, Andrew was able to set up three groups of varying skill levels, with a mixture of teachers and staff, as well as keeping the Knights mixed into the grouping as well. This would be interesting as what he would primarily be focusing on at least initially is the need for training in Self-Defense. The tactics side would come in the very near future, the tactics side was going to be tricking because as far as he knew he was the only at the school with actual tactics training. The gymnasium had been transformed into a tiny dojo, with mats on the floor and on one wall.

He had also modified one set of mats into a pair of striking mats. The training would be a mixture of cardio, calisthenics and martial arts. If something went down, he wanted those he worked with to at least in theory be prepared to protect themselves and the students.

Phoebe glanced at the 2 people she had been paired with intrigued as to why she had been paired with them both but it would be interesting to go against people with an active ability when these people were her colleagues. She and Jonathan trained weekly together but Kaylee was unknown to her in a training aspect. "Do I get my tactical baton or not?" She asked thinking that the sword was useless when it gave her a repulsed feeling every time she thought about it.

He looked to Phoebe, her question was a valid one. "Initially no, we will be starting with kicks, punches and throws. Weapons will come later." He looked over the other two in this grouping. "I will be teaching you pressure points and ways of disabling an opponent. A later class will include deflecting blades, staff and baton." He knew this might be tough for some people, but the situation was something no one expected to move so quickly.

Jonathan nodded cautiously. He wasn't sure if the new teacher was particularly aware of his abilities or circumstances, but he decided not to mention it. Instead he gave Kaylee a shy semi-awkward smile and nod. The idea of sparring with her given their recent excursions felt odd, and he wondered how she was feeling about potentially having to wrestle against one another so closely.

Looking between the three other staff members, Kaylee really wasn’t sure who she’d rather spar with. Her choices were either the agent who recruited her or the man she was quickly falling in love with. Seeing Jon’s awkward smile, she gave him a reassuring one in return. She’d have to be on her guard just incase Jon’s focus slipped on his control of his abilities.

Looking over to the instructor, Kaylee took a quick breath in, “so, why pressure points? Why not arm holds or something like that?”

Phoebe nodded in a bit of agreement. She was going to injury someone if that was what he was offering and she did not really need to hide her abilities with the people there, Kaylee whilst not having seen her in action knew she was capable of something more.

Andrew hadn't been here long enough to really get to know any of the other faculty yet, for the most part he kept to himself though this was different, he would be teaching his fellow faculty how to defend themselves. "Pressure points are the gateway to joint locks and joint breaks; this includes arm holds." He looked over the assembled group of three.

"We will start today with five laps around the exterior of the gymnasium, where I have cones set up. After that will be 25 push-ups and 25 sit-ups, there will be a break for water after each of these events. Finally, today's class will end with me instructing you on striking with legs and arms." He once again took a moment to let any questions be asked.

Phoebe raised an eyebrow at his requirements. 22 push-ups were the requirements for basic military training but she said nothing as she started on the jog. She glanced back at Jonathan and winked, this would be easy for them when they jogged the loch easily. She offered a smile to Kaylee. "You will be fine." She said firmly.

Taking a deep breath in, Kaylee slowly released it while her jaw clenched up as she felt very nervous. These physical requirements seemed a little hard for her to complete. The run was the rest part, but the 25 push ups and sit ups definitely concerned her.

Andrew started at a light jog, as many of the faculty had likely seen, he was out jogging every morning except for Sunday, it was how he kept himself in shape along with the times he could be found in the gymnasium going through strikes, rolls and mobility exercises. "This is not a competition; this is to get your body prepared for the rigors of training."

He knew that this was more than the requirements, especially the push-ups and sit-ups, but these would be completed at each person's own pace, there was no time element and if at first, they could not complete it, then so be it. He would be teaching them how to defend themselves and the students, not to fight a war, well hopefully not that just yet.

"Easy for the PE teacher to say..." Jonathan muttered light-heartedly.

"Come on you can do it," Phoebe said brightly trying to encourage them as she jogged back to keep them company. It was the way of a leader to go at the pace of the slowest person, she had learnt at university about wolf packs and why they worked so well.

Jogging along the course, Kaylee gave Pheobe a smile as she rejoined them, “It’s just a warm-up Pheobe, an endurance test not a sprint. We don’t need to rush”

"Habit." the pre-cog offered but in truth, she wanted to get it all over with. She had not thought it was going to be the basics of things when she was leading a group of super heroes.

Once the group completed the 5 laps, he grabbed four water bottles which had already been prepared and handed them out to give them a chance to rehydrate and relax just a bit before continuing. "Remember to sip not gulp the water."

Jonathan stood slightly apart from the others; his natural body heat elevated during exercise. Even with Kaylee close by it was more of an instinctive precaution on his part. He semi-ignored the advice and necked half of a bottle in one go. "Some of us need the hydration more," the only explanation he was going to give.

"Fair enough," Phoebe replied with a wink. She knew his precautions after spending many mornings running together.

Hearing Jon’s words, Kaylee stepped over to him and gave his water bottle a tap with her finger, causing it to chill. “You aren’t going to overheat are you?” She asked, concerned for him.

"Not usually a problem, I just have to make sure I don't overdo it," he answered, smiling a thanks for cooling the bottle.

Once the jog was done Phoebe crouched down to stretch her muscles and take several sips of her water. "Pace yourself," Phoebe advised as she lay down on the floor and started to do push-ups. She hated them with every fibre of her being but she knew that she would be able to do the 25 as she had done more in basic training.

Pausing to take a breather, Kaylee watched their fearless leader get stuck into the push ups and shook her head. “Where do you find all that energy?”

Phoebe looked at the woman as if to say you know where I get the energy before she shrugged. "Training?" She offered as she knew that Jonathon did not know her history and that was how she wanted to keep it as it was her past for now for the most part.

After taking a few long sips of water from the water bottle and setting it back on the bench, he walked over to the hard wood ground next to the mats and began to push out both the push-ups and sit-ups. He wasn't trying to flex in anyway, but he did 40 push-ups instead of the 25 he required, it was just natural for him. Training took over and he just did it, after the push-ups he took a slightly long break, as the leg injury which had forced him out of the military was acting up. This was a problem he often had even after the recovery times as the nerves were still causing him trouble even after several years.

Phoebe could feel the sweat as she finished the 25 and lay on the floor spent. She could do push-ups but that did not mean they were her favourite exercise when she knew she was better suited for other things.

Laying on her belly, Kaylee had only done 15 push ups and was struggling to get back up again. Upper body exercises weren’t something she’d ever focused on as her fencing and ice skating focused more on her core and leg muscles. Right now she was regretting not doing the sit-ups first.

Andrew knocked out the 25 sit-ups which became another 40, all because of his training. He looked over to see Kaylee struggling, "if you can't continue, switch to the sit-ups." There was no judgment in his voice, just a slight sound of concern. He may be their trainer and former military, but he still had a heart, and he wasn't out to kill anyone.

Giving Andrew a nod, Kaylee rolled over onto her back, took a few minutes to rest before starting her sit-ups. This exercise wasn't as difficult for her and she pumped them out pretty quickly before laying back down flat on the ground. "there, done"

The final part of the training went about as he expected. He led them through a combination of leg and body movements which included punches, elbow strikes as well as both kicks and knee strikes. The next training would be more telling as there would be light sparring with pressure points and throws. The final day of training would be the test to see if they could take him down, he wouldn't be fighting at full capacity, as he would have leg and arm weights to slow his movements down.


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