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Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 13:33 by Phoebe Hunter & Donald Johnson

Chapter: Prologue: Dawn of Avalon
Location: Party
Timeline: Saturday 19th
1435 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

DJ watched as the teachers mingled together after the talent show, he walked up to one of the teachers who had sung a song. He made a mental note to make sure he met the teachers who sang or played instruments first. "I just wanted to tell you, that you sang your song really well. I also like Stay."

"It is my favourite song in a very long time. I love the music video to it as well. It is just different and not at all the usual style of music around." Phoebe said over her coffee as it had been halfway to her lips when he had joined her and sat in one of the hard plastic chairs that every hall seemed to have for assembly.

"It's unique compared to most popular music out right now, and the key change mid-way through just helps it build to a nice crescendo," DJ replied.

"I liked what you did too. Everyone here seems to be talented. We have a lot to offer the students." Phoebe mused to herself a little bit. Maybe she could put herself forward a little more to help with the pastoral side of the student after all she had a lot to offer as much as everyone. Was this how everyone felt in their first teaching position? Teacher training placements had not been as trying.

"Thanks I grew up playing primarily guitar and piano, and I definitely believe we have a lot here to offer these students. Coming in at the last minute like I did though I have a lot of lesson planning to do over the next couple of days, do you know of any decent coffee or tea cafes in town? I haven't been there exploring yet."

“I am just as new as you,” Phoebe admitted with a grin. She at least had an extra week on the lesson planning, and whoever had been the history teacher before she had planned the first couple weeks for each year group. It was at least a fighting chance that she was not going to fail her first couple of weeks.

"I didn't realize we were both in the same boat," he said with a smile. "My predecessor left some things from their curriculum, so I have a decent jumping-off point to begin lesson plans."

"A lot of us are. More students equal more teachers. Things are changing." Pheobe offered a small smile to the man and nodded. It seemed that at the very least not everyone was as stuck as they thought they were. "Shall we get a drink?" She said indicating the buffet and drink table. Now that she was not as nervous she felt she could start to eat something.

"Sounds good to me," DJ replied as he made his to the tables, "I could use a tall glass of cold sweet tea, I think you may call it iced tea on this side of the pond," he was thirsty, he always got thirsty after being nervous for a performance.

Despite how American the staff seemed to be the table was set up in a very familiar and British way. She had a split time but she definitely appreciated the British way of life compared to her childhood. “I do not think they have that. It’s not exactly a British stable.” Phoebe laughed seeing cola, lemonade and jugs of squash in blackcurrant and orange varieties. It was standard for any type of event that she had been to.

"I guess it's gonna be some lemonade," DJ said as he poured himself a glass, before fixing himself a small plate with a sandwich and a couple of cookies. "I've got to hand it to you guys over here, your mustard is definitely better over here, it's not as vinegar-y as the yellow mustard that's prevalent in the states. Anyhow, you probably don't want to listen to me drone about our differences, so may I ask, what do you do when not teaching?"

"I would love to hear the difference. I had my childhood in America before my parents passed away and I came to my aunt in the UK. I have to admit I like it here more... less pressure." She admitted. Her American accent had faded a long time ago to only appearing whilst drunk or something. "I haven't actually found much to do yet as I have only been here a week or so but I do enjoy running and have agreed to go for a run with Reagan apart from that no really found much."

"I came to the UK after working with several groups who go into third world countries and help out. I helped teach as well as assist where needed. It's where I met Claire," DJ explained. "As far as hobbies go, I like to go hiking and finding historical sites. I try to read a bit about them before I go see them person."

That was a very logical way to do it in unfamiliar territory, to say the least. It sounded like he had at the very least a solid head on his shoulders. "Well, Scotland has many historical sites and what is better than living in a castle? This place has to be 800 years old in some areas." She said thoughtfully thinking of William for a moment before she smiled at DJ.

"I've been to my classroom, the dorm, and the cafeteria, all of the important places. I haven't begun to explore the castle yet, I imagine it has some interesting history. Who knows I may get one of those metal detectors and see what I can dig up, no pun intended," he said laughing at his own joke.

“Well it is older than quite a lot of countries so I am sure it will have a varied past. But probably best to not dig anything up without Claire’s permission.” Phoebe said smiling at the joke. He was a nice fellow and the place seemed to be filled with them to say the least. Maybe she could relax there and rest for a bit before something came her way to change it all.

After finishing his sandwich DJ asked, "So what will you be teaching? wait let me guess you're the History, no I bet you're the Math teacher."

“History. Why I know about the history. It is going to be a core part of getting the kids involved in history.” It was ironic at its best that the pre-cog was a history teacher but it was challenging as she was always looking forward that her job forcing her to look back.

DJ was surprised, "I can't believe it was my first guess, unless this is sarcasm and I'm missing the social cues. A history teacher in an old castle, this has to be like a dream come true for you right? What's your favorite time period to study?"

It was a dream, come true for the woman who is growing up in Salem. The United Kingdom had so much history it’s hard to pin down any specifics that she liked more than anything else. “It is a dream come true but I guess the Tudor period is the most intriguing as some of the evidence we have comes from the Vatican that was stolen. It’s intriguing. What about yourself?” She asked turning it back on him.

"Honestly I like studying more recent history like the 1940s and Churchill's rise to power, and subsequent guidance of the UK through such a troubled period. In fact, I was shocked to find out that the US Ambassador tried to set up a meeting with Hitler to discuss Britain's surrender before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The Brits were really on the edge, but because of Churchill's dogged determination they didn't back down," he said quickly and excitedly.

Phoebe nodded. Recent history was not her favourite but it was part of the syllabus that she taught so she had no choice. She also had a fantastic section on mutant history thanks to a few connections now and thanks to William. “Britain does that.” The woman commented with a smile as she saw someone familiar that she had been trying to speak to all day. “I need to catch up with someone but I will see you around DJ.” She said offering a smile.

"It was great meeting you, I'll see ya around," DJ said politely and returned the smile. If all the staff was this polite here, he wasn't going to have to worry about faculty drama like in other schools.


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