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Sherwood, a nation free from persecution

Posted on Wed Feb 8th, 2023 @ 22:49 by Claire Cavendish & Robert Closeley

Chapter: Prologue: Dawn of Avalon
Location: Unknown
Timeline: Sunday, September 27th, 1992
1028 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

One of the few things that could give Claire comfort at a time like this was curling up in her big armchair and reading a good book. The blanket was pulled over her, legs pulled under herself, the book sat on top of the soft fabric, but its pages remained closed as her hands were cupping a warm mug of tea. The idea was to get away from the last 48 hours and take some time for herself. She slowly blew over the heated water, which was wafting the strong bitterness of black tea back up to her in reply.

She hadn't even read a single page before she had reached for the remote and switched the hulking telly across from her to the late night news broadcast. The TV had buzzed a bit before the sound kicked in. Claire couldn't help but shake the feeling that after the Robot attack in New Cresthill and the bombing in London things would get a whole lot worse before they would get any better. That's when the news anchor announced they'd show some snippets from a manifesto of the London bombers.

The image switched to a dimly lit room, it seemed to be quite low but not much of it was in frame. The man in front of the camera sat behind a dull metal desk. A cloth hung behind him and filled the rest of the image, it was a low quality print of a forest, perhaps normally used as a duvet cover, clearly there to try and obscure his true location. The man sat slightly hunched over, a dark green cloak covered most of his face, shadows adding to the mysterious air. His mouth was basically the only visible part of him and it showed a dark stubble and a slight tan. When he started to speak it was in low tones and with conviction. Even though the quality of their equipment was subpar, and something was causing a bit of an echo in the background, there was no denying the man's charisma.

"This message was sent to several news outlets as well as our governmental representatives. The Sherwood Rangers are responsible for the explosion earlier today in London. A measured and targeted retaliation against those who would continue to marginalise Mutants and their allies." His hands, covered with dark gloves, were folded in front of him and it was clear he was speaking from memory since there was nothing else on the table. "While we have wished for peaceful resolution the attack on our allies in New Cresthill has forced our hand. While we may have planted the explosive device, if you're truly looking for the guilty party you'd only need to look at the party that has tenuously maintained control of our country's government during this year's sham elections."

Claire frowned at the wording, it made it seem as if they were in league with these people calling themselves Rangers. She had never heard of them before, let alone allied themselves with their cause. She sat up a little straighter, mug still in hand but no intention of sipping away at the dark liquid inside of it.

There was a clear cut in the video before it continued with the man being clearly much more animated than just a second before, "I am Robin Hood and what the government refuses to give me and mine we have the power to take by force." He calmed down slightly for the next part; "Our demands are simple. A sovereign nation for all mutants to live their lives free from persecution." He spread his hands as if to indicate it really was that simple. "Sherwood Forest will be a bastion of hope for all mutants that have felt like they didn't belong, like they had to fight for the right to simply exist. For those that have given their lives, their souls, their abilities, in service of a country that clearly wishes to contain us by any means necessary."

Another cut in the video, it was clear the BBC was trying to cut down on air time of this man. "A giant mechanised soldier was sent to apprehend a child! The reports are calling it a Sentinel. They dare to call that creature a Sentinel?! A guardian whose job it is to stand watch and protect! This was clearly not standing watch. This Sentinel was clearly only protecting one very specific group of people. And these people stand on the wrong side of history. Together with our allies at the Avalon Institute, and others across the nation, we shall make a fist harder than the iron hand that was sent to kidnap us! We shall not be docile waiting to be led into containment camps and we shall refuse to go quietly and meekly."

"Well Bollocks." An extremely rare cuss from Claire as she kicked her feet out from underneath her and immediately rose from her chair, the tea slightly spilling over the brim. The blanket and book fell to the floor as she made her way over to her personal computer. The rant of the man calling himself Robin Hood continuing in the background.

"Let me tell this to any who oppose us, those who oppose the idea of a sovereign Sherwood. We are the true Sentinels. We stand in protection of all Mutant-kind! We will take from the haves and will shall grant upon the have nots!" He got up from the chair and leaned forward; "Sherwood Forest shall grow and flourish!" The BBC cut back to the anchor who seemed to take a moment to clear his throat.

Claire turned off the telly, the man disappeared into a white line that then collapsed into a single white point before the device was completely off. The ghost of Robin Hood still seemed to linger a bit on the screen before that too ebbed away. Not that the purple head mistress was paying any attention to it, she was already behind her keyboard, trying to conjure up a proper response to these words. Finger frantically tapping away for she knew that Avalon's continued existence might actually depend on it.


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