Cross about croissants
Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 17:11 by Penny Gardner & Valjean Beaumont
Location: Cafateria
Timeline: Late morning, Friday, February 5, 1993
1393 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure
Penny it was fair to say, was having a bad day. Her encounter with that stuff shirt English teacher had left her off kilter and annoyed . She didn't like doubting the motivations of her colleagues, and equally she didn't appreciate someone picking at her curriculum. Penny would like to believe that teaching only attracted individuals who had the children's best interests at heart, but she knew that wasn't always the case. Between that and trying to find Claire to speak to her about perhaps locking the administration office, she was once again running late for the scheduled meal time.
Stomping into the cafeteria she ignored the friendly greetings, most uncharacteristic of the usually personable woman, and trudged over to where the food was served. Looking over everything she frowned. She had a morning of teaching the children the importance of special effects and how the lighting rig worked. But without a decent meal she wouldn't be able to use her powers without inducing a major headache. Her mood soured further.
"For fucks sake." She grabbed her plate, not sure where to start. But most of the good options were gone. She huffed. She knew she was being petulant, but with most people already gone to make use of the short time between breakfast and the first classes, she allowed herself a moment of irritation.
One of the Valjeans was cleaning up most of the empty trays after the breakfast rush. There was technically still about twenty minutes left to have breakfast, but it was definitely in winding down territory and this was usually when he'd have a moment to himself. When he heard the expletive he perked up, immediately looking around the room to make sure there hadn't been any kids within earshot. Claire had been quite clear about language around the children, and it had been a stark contrast to what he had been used to.
When she added a huff to punctuate her dissatisfaction he couldn't help but step closer, "Pardon, madamme." He stepped closer. "Is something not to your liking?"
Penny at least had the good grace to look abashed at having been caught. But it was only for a moment. She straightened up and looked at Valjean, clearly dishevelled and grumpy. “All the good stuff is gone.” She said simply.
"Well, oui, of course. You are late." The Valjean behind the buffet line remarked as he grabbed a tray that only had a single slice of white bread on it still. "Ze breakfast times are not a suggestion, eh."
“Je nes suis pas en re-“ Penny paused and took in a deep breath. “I am not late!” She kept her voice pitched low but her times were clipped with her growing irritation. She rolled up her sleeve and pointed at the watch on her wrist. Most of what Penny wore was simple but feminine, her watch however seemed out of place. It was chunky and worn. The strap showing signs of needing to be replaced soon and the timepiece itself scratched in various places. “See! I’ve still got 20 minutes. That’s plenty of time, if there was food. I could come back there and cook myself but last time a tried you damn near bit my head off!” As she spoke her skin rippled with a brief flash of blue light. A sign of just how close she was to loosing her temper.
"Zhere is two hours to eat breakfast, you come in ze last twenty minutes. How you say... Vous n’êtes pas troh en retard, mais vous êtes en retard, eh? Always zis... just a leetle bit late and still expect ze full buffet." Valjean rolled his eyes and disappeared into the back of the kitched with the cleaned out tray. He muttered to himself in French as he did so.
It didn't take long for Valjean to emerge from the kitchen, this one was wearing the Chef's hat. Clearly indicating it was the Prime Valjean. ""Ah, pardon, Mademoiselle Gardner, zis humble kitchen does not meet ze high standards of royalty, non?"
"Mieux vaut tard que jamais." Penny mutters something her Grandfather had often said. She grumbled and then when Valjean emerges with his chefs had her eyes narrow, but a moment later she chuckled. "Heaven forbid you think me royalty, I have seen how that works out. Les aristocrates à la lanterne." She can't help but sing a phrase from the old song about the revolution. "Ah! Ca ira. It's okay, I'll just eat the cold eggs and the left over toast. But when I come back later for an out of hours snack I don't want to hear it." She loaded up her plate with a sniff.
"Ha" Valjean let out a short mocking laugh, "Nonnonnon madmoisselle. If you 'adn't noticed, we are under lockdown. Zhere are not to be out of hours snacks. Zhe kitchen will provide the appropriate amount of breakfast, lunch and dinner so zhat we can all enjoy a full stomach for as long as zhe blockade will last." He pointed at her with the serving spoon, "You will be on time for the next meal, non?"
Penny grit her teeth and gave the man a rictus grin. "I was on time this time." She hissed out. "I was within the hour and of course I have noticed. However I don't see how a slice of toast and half a scoop of stone cold eggs will fill anyone's stomach. Have you at least got some fruit? or another piece of bread?" She did her best to give him her sweetest smile. "Come on Valjean I thought you took a little pride in feeding us all? Surely you could take pity on a busy teacher whose powers burn calories like a log? I didn't come at the end of the hour because I was sleeping, I had work to do!"
"We all have work to do madmoiselle Gardner, and mine is to stretch our supplies for as long as possible." Valjean countered, he was already viewed as a mean cuss, and even he had to admit that the current circumstances weren't doing his mood any favours, but the instructions from Claire had been clear. Ration the supplies, everyone got their allotted portion, and today it was mostly toast and eggs. She had just been too late for some of the left overs from yesterday that he had conjured into something edible.
Still he took pity on the woman, if he wanted to he could eat for three people at the same time, but people like her, and someone like Cameron, ate their fair share. It just so happened that their fair share was at least five times that of any other person. So he slowly walked towards the other end of the buffet counter and reached underneath. A moment later he presented her with a banana and an apple.
Penny was in the middle of coming to terms with her sorry state when Valjean presented the fruit. The look of relief on her face was so tangible it was pathetic. “Thank you, merci boucoup, truly Chef.” Accepting the apple she added it to her plate and nodded to the banana. “Keep that in case one of the others who burn calories like firewood needs it. I’ll do my best not to go overboard.”
"It is for zhe best to keep things on board." Valjean remarked, "perhaps resort to actual light bulbs when reading your plays, non." He put the banana back where he had gotten it from and stepped away from the counter to start cleaning up in order to be prepared for the inevitable next round.
"I will bear that in mind." Penny would have to see about acquiring some gels and cans to augment the current set up. it would be fine for rehearsal. Penny had been plugging the gaps with a few tricks of her own, but if the supplies were being rationed she should cut back on that. Then again, the arts were rarely well funded, so there was no time like the present for the kids to get creative in how to work with limitations. Although here they would be spoiled, out in the wider world nothing really prepared you for something like performing in the back room of an old pub like a few limitations.
By Phoebe Hunter on Thu Feb 6th, 2025 @ 12:58
The breakfast times are not a suggestion bwhahaha. So spicy and so true. When will people learn.