

Posted on Mon Mar 10th, 2025 @ 12:06 by Jonathan Monroe & Jacqueline Myers

Chapter: Besieged
Location: Avalon Institute: Grounds
Timeline: Saturday 6th February 1993
1918 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

After the chaos she’d caused on the first night of her arrival and now following Claire’s arrest, Jackie needed the distraction of physical labour. She had found her way back to the greenhouse where she had spent the night. The cold weather had stopped the tangle from growing any quicker but it was in a state nonetheless. She carefully took off her newly acquired cardigan and hung it over the open door before grabbing a slightly rusted spade and breaking the brambles into more manageable sections with several short sharp strikes with its tip. The clang ricocheted off the paving slab below and she stumbled forward as it slipped with a grunt, her body tensed into her hardened form.

A sigh escaped her lips, and she reminded herself it wasn’t a hurry. she had all the time she needed. Take time to just be. That was what she’d been told on so many occasions since she’d arrived.

Sitting nearby, on a piece of ancient and decaying wall, Jonathan half-jumped as the clang of the spade striking stone alerted him to the fact that he wasn't alone. A short glance up and he caught sight of the one responsible; the gardener? He knew that the hundred-year-old knight had been working with someone else on the grounds - it made sense that the green-thumbed woman would literally have a green thumb. And a green, well, everything else.

"Sorry, hope I didn't startle you..." he mumbled apologetically, realising quite soon after that it was likely the other way around. "People don't usually sit out here where it's, you know, quiet."

“Jesus Christ—” Jackie flinched, her hardened skin still bristling with coarse, sharp thorns. She swung around instinctively, the spade still in hand—not as a weapon, but simply because it was there. “No… you’re fine,” she assured him quietly, the back of her hand brushed against her forehead, only to be reminded of her own defences. “I’m just jumpy. Sorry. I’m trying to clear up the mess I’ve made.”

Her gaze shifted to the old galvanised bath that had served as her makeshift bed, now overflowing with weeds, brambles, and remnants of whatever had originally taken root in the soil. “I’m just trying to... be,” she added, the explanation vague.

"Be...?" He frowned, confused for a moment. It took him a slightly longer silence for his brain to catch up with her meaning. "Ah, yes. I think there's quite a few of us that just want to...'be'." He glanced back out at the Scottish countryside, the cool sting of the mid-winter breeze on his cheeks. "Certainly trying, at least."

She hummed softly in agreement. “I guess you’re right. I hope I didn’t startle you,” Jackie added, offering a tentative smile. “I’m Jackie.” She extended a hand toward him, her gaze flicking to the thorny skin that clung stubbornly to her fingers. She shook her hand gently as if to dislodge the last traces of her hardened form. “Sorry about that... They’ll go away soon.” Her tone was apologetic but earnest, an awkward effort to bridge the gap and make a connection.

Jonathan stared at the hand, as he always did. His reticence to touch had been tempered through his time spent at Avalon, though not entirely removed. Even with Kaylee he'd felt that hesitance. And this woman looked to be rather more flammable than most. "Jonathan," he murmured, eventually shaking the hand but quickly withdrawing. "Sorry. I, uh, try not to spend too much time around more combustible materials."

“Combustible?” Jackie questioned after the shake, “Like on fire?” She clarified to herself. “I mean this stuff is flammable if it dried out,” Her body twisted to look at the mess she’d created, “that’s why proper maintenance is needed to stop the spread of wildfires out in forests.” It took her a moment to figure out that perhaps he was referring to her. Severe burns were part of the testing schedule. "If I were a fire door, I’d be a 30-minute one—just enough to keep things contained while I figure it out.” It was a weak attempt at humour but she tried.

"Ah...yeah." He tried to process through her stream of consciousness, locking in on the awkward yet dry humour that he could relate to. "I think I might be the opposite of that. At least, if someone did start a wildfire in the grounds here, I'm probably the first person they'd come looking for." He shrugged. "Pyrokinesis," he added by way of explanation. "And you...something plant-related?"

Her lips parted with a slight nod as she processed what he had said. Pyro is fire and kinesis is movement. “Ah! That makes more sense. Control is something I seem to be lacking.” Jackie answered rubbing the back of her neck, “I can make things grow and they move. I also have … ‘traits’ of plants. Like my skin toughens like bark and I have protections.” She gestured to her hands with a jazz hands style wriggle of her fingers. “Oh, and I get green, just not all the time.” It was the beginner's guide thereabouts.

Jonathan nodded sharply. He'd seen enough variety in mutations over the last few years, especially with the influx of teenagers with new and unusual powers to the school. "Yeah." He motioned to the blue-hued hair atop his own head. "This isn't my punk phase either; part of the package. Although I suppose easier to explain than green skin, right?"

“I like it. Like an edgy hot flame and I would trade for green hair. I only get greener in the summer and the spring …” Jackie recanted thinking of any other circumstances she might darken. “It takes a lot of foundation to hide.” She leant down to collect an arm full of the broken brambles, her skin hardening to the bark state as she used her knee to knock the lid off the galvanised burn bin she’d used to keep the room warm overnight. “It must take a lot of control sometimes?” Her eyes moved back to him as she brushed herself down.

His eyes flicked back to the sky, breaking eye contact as he wistfully reflected on that question. "Yes. A lot of control." He shifted awkwardly before explaining: "There was an incident a few months ago. I lost control, and burned down an entire house by accident. As much as people say it's not your fault...well, they're not the one setting things on fire. I promise I'll stay clear of the greenhouse."

His words resonated with her. Things he couldn’t control and the harm that came with it. Though memories were hazy there were parts she could remember. Jackie nodded solemnly. “Things just happen, I’m not very well … honed?” Part of her wondered if they wanted her to be reactive rather than in control. It made her less of a threat if she didn’t know how to control the pain and frustration. “I could do with a little control, it’s scary when you can’t stop things from happening. You can’t just will it away.” Her lips pressed together with a sigh.

"No. You can't." His distant expression belied the feeling of deeper understanding. "Control's a funny thing," he said, glancing over at her finally. "I tried all sorts; music, spiritual stuff, even the odd recreational pharmaceuticals..." His eyebrow raised, indicating how poorly that decision had been. "Honestly? In the end just being around people and thinking about them is what helped me. You know, having a bit of a purpose? Does that make sense?"

Jackie nodded in understanding, “I guess that goes with ‘just being’ again doesn’t it?” Forcefully she pushed in the armful of waste, packing it down before collecting some more. “Is there someone here that teaches the kids more about their abilities? Are there any kids who are a bit like me?” Occasionally she looked up to make sure she wasn’t going to trip over her own mess. “Being stuck on site is making my feet itch a bit, there’s so much I need to do.”

Jonathan considered talking to her about the Knights, and about what they were there to do. But he knew better than to open that can of worms. Jackie was, in many ways, much like the students in that she seemed to just want help fitting in and being able to feel 'normal'. "I know the feeling," he said finally. "Look, uh, I suppose if you wanted help with the 'control' part of things I guess I could try to help. I'm not an expert on mutant powers or anything, but I've walked the path a little. What do you think?"

She stopped mid-scoop, brambles hanging loosely in her grip. “Are you sure?” Her brows knitted together, searching his face for hesitation. “I mean, I’m not exactly an expert in anything outside forestry management… and that’s not much use here.” A weak huff of laughter escaped her, but there was no real humour behind it.

She exhaled, dropping the brambles at her feet and rubbing her hands together as if she could scrub away the uncertainty. “I just want some control, that’s all.” It wasn’t a big ask. With Andrew’s training, she was starting to build a routine—starting to believe in persistence. Maybe this could help too. Maybe she could finally stop feeling like she was waiting for the next thing to go wrong.

He felt a twinge of deeper understanding at that comment. The number of people he'd heard say that during his time at the Avalon Institute was growing. It wasn't just the students that needed it. "No promises, other than, well, we can certainly try?" he offered, hoping it sounded remotely encouraging.

“Sure. What’s the worst that could happen? I impale you and we both end up in flames?” She tried to make light of it but so many things could go wrong. She had felt herself overreact in the past when she had been at her wit's end, tired, fragile and beaten. “Just let me know when and where.” Jackie smiled with an appreciative nod of her head.

Jonathan smiled faintly, casting an eye back to the greenhouse and then the vista. "Here. Tomorrow morning. And let's try to avoid impalement for at least a few days, yeah?"

Jackie dusted the last bits of bramble from her jeans and straightened. “When you say ‘morning,’ you don’t mean Andrew’s idea of morning, do you?” Her gaze flicked to Jonathan, wary but hopeful. “Because if this is some pre-dawn, freezing-your-ass-off, character-building nonsense, I might have to reconsider.”

She rolled her shoulders, exhaling. “Not that I don’t appreciate the offer,” she said, tipping her chin toward him. “I just think better after my first cup of tea. And when the sun’s actually up.”

"Oh I tried the pre-dawn boot camp. No thanks. After breakfast. Or even bring the bread, and I'll toast it for you," he added with a wink.

A grin kept across her lips as she stroked the back of her neck with her dirty hands. “I’m not sure Valjean would be too impressed if I rifled through the pantry. But I will see you tomorrow not too early.” Jackie reassured him with a nod.



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