
The Cavalry Has Arrived

Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 11:06 by Doctor Astrid Hohenberg & General Heinrich Falkenrath

Chapter: Besieged
Location: Avalon Institute, Exterior
Timeline: Early morning, Thursday, February 4th, 1993
1358 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The low rumble in the distance was like guttural roar of an ancient beast inching closer to the fresh perimeter set up by the G.O.U. response team. The fog from the Loch that had given them relative privacy in setting up their base of operations was now making it impossible to determine what was closing in. The two officers standing guard stepped from their makeshift guardhouse and both took up positions on either side of the road.

As the fog was pushed aside by the bullbar of a large armoured truck the rumble died down. The diesel idling as the passenger side door opened up. From it a woman made her way down the iron steps and onto the soggy roadside dirt. A long grey uniform coat reached nearly towards the ground, sensible black workshoes underneath. The woman had her blond hairs in the tightest of buns, stern face coming closer towards the barricade set up. "I'm here to see General Falkenrath." Her accent was unmistakably foreign. Germanic in origin.

The two police officers on duty shared a look, neither of them entirely sure what to say. Thankfully, at least for them, a man with dark clothing that had been loitering around the site for the last few days reached her before they could open their mouths.

"Doctor Hohenberg?" he noted, motioning for the uniformed officers to dismiss themselves. "The General arrived a few hours ago. He's been expecting you. Right this way." He pointed towards a pair of temporary structures about thirty yards away.

"Excellent." Astrid felt a shiver run down her spine. She had met this man in passing before, they'd never been officially introduced. Even the short interaction had given her the creeps and his current demeanour did nothing to diminish that. She waved towards the truck to continue forward, and the engine rumbled back to life rolling through the makeshift gates erected to keep out anyone wanting to provide supplies and resources to the Institute they were trying to have submit to the new law. As the truck continued down the path she decided to walk the last few metres. "Had any luck convincing more mutants to register?"

The black-suited man gave the thinnest of smiles, polite but guarded. “Half a dozen since the local unit was established. Some promising samples, I think you’ll find.” He motioned towards the prefab buildings, dipping his head with practiced charm. A look and a demeanour that was as false and unassuming as he continued to desire it to be. “After you.”

The doctor made it a point not to get into eye contact with the man. Astrid had her head held high though, and as they approached the main prefab building in the newly established compound she barely waited for his invite to step by him and into the large command tent. Looking at the table in the centre of it she saw a blueprint splayed out on top of it. “Have you found a suitable entry point yet?”

“We have been exploring a number of options…” the man responded lightly, keeping an air of nonchalance about the almost non-answer he had given. Avoiding giving a tricky answer that could be used to hang himself later, he stepped aside, using the space in the tent to hide his presence.

“Doctor.” The gravelled tone of General Falkenrath reached their ears before either could continue the exchange. Wearing an informal variation of his uniform but with the rank insignia proudly displayed on his shoulders, he met them at the other side of the table. “We have developed a number of options for gaining access when we need to. There are a number of moving parts to this operation, not least the media presence just a few hundred yards away from this building.” He motioned to his black-suited compatriot. “Jackson here has been able to gather enough intel to suggest we may have a number of advantages that they do not yet know about. How about our asset?”

“If you’ve arranged for the proper containment, we can have it up and running before the dawn.” Astrid pushed her hands in her pockets and leaned over the maps, trying to figure out the different parts of the institute and trying to identify the important parts of it. Wondering if they’d have to go for the head office, or if containing some of the more dangerous elements within the walls of the place. “The suppression collar has been a blessing for some of the less compliant elements of the project, but subject three has been very cooperative so far.”

Falkenrath said nothing to acknowledge her response, merely followed her eyes to the maps. “Public record has only permitted so much knowledge of the interior,” he said, motioning to the dates in the bottom corner of the blueprints. “Our benefactor has indicated that there is more to this ancient Scottish castle than anyone would know. Subterranean access, redundancies…Ms Cavendish has had time to prepare.” He crossed his arms, considering. “We will deploy Subject Three this evening. I have an agent on the inside that can provide us with more information on her defensive capabilities, should we be able to extract them. Preferably without being noticed.” He eyed the doctor meaningfully; it was inherent within his tone that this was one of those orders that he preferred not to be misunderstood.

“Subject Three’s skillset is more honed towards direct conflict, but I’m sure with some slight alterations we can make it work.” not taking her eyes off the map the doctor tried to figure out a way for anyone to be extracted easily. “I take it that simply walking out of the front door is not an option anymore.” It was a rhetorical question, knowing how the siege of the place had drawn the effect of them shutting the gates and putting guards on the ramparts. “I can have them ready in two.”

Falkenrath shook his head. “There are too many eyes on the front gates. Infil will have to be aerial or submerged; though given the unique nature of the group we are dealing with, that may prove even more challenging than would be expected.” He snapped his fingers, pulling Jackson out of the shadows in the corner again. “A distraction. Something innocuous to draw their attention and that of the media. Something in the village; they have friends there, it will attract their gaze while our operative completes their action.”

Jackson, the black-suited man simply nodded. “There are options. The baker…the mechanic…” He looked at the Doctor. “Perhaps something Dr Hohenberg can provide?”

“Only subject three has been transported to this location. New Cresthill is fifteen minutes out, we cannot use the asset to create the distraction and then make use of it.” Then a glint in her eyes, “though, a well timed explosion can be distracting, or a blackout.” Then she thought about it a bit more, “could always incite a riot.”

"A riot..." Falkenrath mused, touching his chin thoughtfully. "Can you craft something to make it look like mutants were responsible? That would provide beneficial optics while serving a dual purpose."

There was a bit of a ponder at that suggestion. "If it's not put under too close scrutiny, sure. Even then I'd be more comfortable preparing a bit more. Start the operation tomorrow. Aside from giving us some extra time, Friday nights are good for fighting." The doctor pulled a small book from her inner pocket and leafed through it for a moment. Making a quick note with the small pencil that was kept inside of it. She then looked at the General to see if he would be able to give her 24 more hours.

"Fine. 24 hours. But by then I want my asset ready to be extracted," the general nodded. He would prefer not to leave their agent hanging, but a properly prepared action was better than one too hastily arranged. "Jackson. Give the doctor anything she requires."

The command triggered the faintest of sour expressions on the man's face, but Jackson just nodded his acknowledgement of the order.



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