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Students of History

Posted on Sun Feb 5th, 2023 @ 18:56 by Phoebe Hunter & Jonathan Monroe

Chapter: Prologue: Dawn of Avalon
Location: Phoebe's classroom
Timeline: 23rd September
1074 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

"Got a minute?" Jonathan asked, poking his head around the corner of the slightly ajar door and giving it a quick rap with his knuckles.

Phoebe had been writing up her last few classes preparation and the knuckles rapped against the door and smiled at the man. It was nice to have someone come and track her down to talk. “Always got time if the door is open. Come in Jonathan.” She closed the binder and gave him her attention.

"I just wanted to return the book you loaned me." He waved the leather-bound book with his hand as evidence. "Ancient Rome is as fascinating as you promised. Thought I should come and say thank you."

They had gotten talking at the open mic night and she had offered him one of the few books that she had from London in her possession. “Wow you are a speedy reader. No need to thank me I am relieved that it was not a lie when I told you that you would enjoy it.”

"Not a lot to do while the students aren't in classes yet," he admitted. "And I did enjoy it."

She took the book and popped it on her desk. Enjoying the resounding thud it created. “What was your favourite part then?”

"Where to start? The early republic, the civil wars..." Jon was animated, a rare act for someone normally so contained. "All the political manoeuvring and backstabbing. Just a fascinating read, all in all." He perched himself on the edge of the desk. "What else would you recommend?"

"The mythology. It is amazing from Ancient Rome and how it merges from Greek to Roman is impressive." It was her favourite part of any type of history of learning how mythology evolved and developed into something that was still discussed and used today for entertainment.

"Yes!" Jonathan enthused. "I used to love those stories as a kid. Reading about some of the links to actual history and where they all came from sounds great!" He grinned. "I owe you one, Phoebe."

“There are a few books in the library that could help you in the quests. The school has a pretty good library and if not I am sure the public library in town has something.” The woman smiled and sat down at her desk and indicated one of the student tables and chairs. “So can I ask some questions as you have been here longer than myself and I felt playing squash we were most likely on the same wave length.”

Jonathan nodded and took a seat. "Sure you can. I'll do my best to answer, even though Claire might be the better person to ask." He paused. "Unless you're asking about Claire...?"

"I am asking your opinion on them all. I am the new person who is meant to lead us if the fan gets hit." Phoebe explained hoping she was able to explain it in a way that made sense. It was normally someone who was already involved that led instead of someone completely new. "I have my abilities sure but I also want opinions from others." She explained.

"You want to know about the people?" He pondered that momentarily. Although Phoebe was fairly new, and it made sense that she would want to know who to watch out for, he was also of the opinion that people should generally be able to present themselves. But giving her a nudge wasn't out of the question. "Well, a few of them are pretty new, like you. From the ones I know well, Claire is a great mentor and really open if you want to spend time getting to know her. I bet you'll hit it off well. Cameron comes across as a bit of a hot-head, but his heart is always in the right place..." He chewed his lip as he thought about the others. "Reagan's a great buddy if you want someone to help pick apart a problem. I don't know him all that well but I hear the new drama teacher, Otis, is another fellow reader..."

The woman nodded and took her lukewarm mug of coffee in her hands and leaned back staring at him as she listened to his words about the people she had met. She knew Claire and knew they were going to be friends but the others were unknown qualities other than Jonathan they were similar friendship levels as she and Claire. "My first impressions were very similar so I am on the right track at the very least." She said trying to make the situation lighter than what she suspected he was thinking about her. It was not about gossiping but about learning everything.

"Want my advice?" he said, with a little knowing grin. "Relax. Don't expect too much too quickly. People around here are naturally cautious at first - in a society that tends to be a little less tolerant than most, this community is different. But it takes time to build the trust."

“You are going to give it whether I say yes or no.” Phoebe commented with her own grin. “It is like you know me and my own impossible standards.” The red head looked away. She wanted to be accepted there and then and she knew it would not be how it would go but it did not mean she could emotionally prepare herself for it.

"I think you'll find impossible is pretty much the norm around here..." he said, snapping his fingers and leaving a gentle blue tongue of light linger on the tip of his thumb for a few seconds. "Maybe you'll surprise yourself?"

The woman shrugged a little as she watched the blue flame. Flame mediations was a bit part of her routine to relax. “Possibly. But I know my standards and they are crushing.” She told him grinning to show that she was trying to joke. “But I will try.” She added. Trying was all she could do to try and fit it.

"Just trying...probably should be the school's motto," he acknowledged, rising to his feet. "If you're working with high standards, though, I can't wait to see what your students deliver."

“Me too.” Phoebe offered a smile to him. It would be interesting to see what any of them delivered by just putting a little trying into the school. So much could be achieved by lots of people just trying.


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