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Good Omens on the Horizon

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 19:29 by Mhairi McIntyre & Alastair Temple

Chapter: Besieged
Location: Avalon Institute, Main Courtyard
Timeline: Wednesday, 27th of January, 1993
1245 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The lazy January late afternoons of the Scottish highlands were usually filled with grey clouds, perhaps the patter of rain, and the occasional call of an osprey overhead. Today was not such a day, for in the distance a rumble could be heard that was reminiscent of a distant thunder. The skies were clear though, not a cloud in sight. Even though that meant the mercury quickly would dip below zero as the sun set, it also meant that there wasn't a thundercloud in sight.

Instead a white Nissan Skyline rumbled down the winding road that connected the Avalon Institute with the small town of New Cresthill. Any mechanic always overestimated the time it took to fix or service a car. A good mechanic always made sure to test a car when significant changes were made to a car. A great mechanic made sure that the car, once finished, got hand delivered back to the owner in immaculate condition.

Mhairi was the great mechanic that took the final turn up the short bridge leading to the front gate of Avalon Institute. She slowly parked the imported Japanese powerhouse into the parking spot designated for Mister Alastair Temple and took a moment to sit behind the wheel, mentally preparing to part ways with the magnificent beast.

It didn't take long for Al to make his appearance, still in the process of pulling on his coat as he exited the main gate. He chuckled as he saw Omen sitting there, her stance a half inch lower, the wheels at a very slight angle because of increased camber, as mandated by the install instructions that came with the new suspension struts and tie rods. Even after years of owning the car, he still loved the simple, subtle beauty of the low key aggressive look, now enhanced by the lower stance. He traced his hand over the quarterpanel as he approached the driver side door.

"I didn't expect a delivery service. Nor for her to be ready this soon. How'd it go, then?"

Mhairi stepped out of the driver's seat and leaned on the opened door for a moment locking eyes with the owner of the car before tossing him the keys. "The car was well maintained, well made, instructions where clear." she gave a little bit of a shrug, "the rear suspension gave me some trouble, but it's all properly set now. Thought I'd give it a test ride since it was a near comprehensive revision. The new parts gave her a decent kick."

The keys tossed, the catch fumbled, though through some acrobatics he still managed to prevent them from falling on the ground. With a sheepish smile he straightened his coat. "Well, that's what they were intended to do, so that tracks. How was the handling?"

"I, obviously, don't have much to compare it to, but it's very eager around the corners." Mhairi had made sure to keep to the maximum speeds, even though she could dream the road between the garage and Avalon. It already seemed like a bit of an overstep to be driving it all the way over there, but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and there was the saying that sometimes it was better to ask forgiveness than it was to ask for permission. "Turns about as tight as a cat's bumhole."

Al couldn't help but chuckle at that metaphor, his overactive and visually centered imagination working overtime, which led to a cringe. "Sounds about what I was aiming for, yeah. Well, thank you for your work, and such a fast turnaround, too. If you have the bill I'll write out a check for you," the music teacher smiled, idly fidgeting with the car keys. Someone should invent something small specifically for fidgeting. A spinning thing, maybe. They could call it a spinning fidgeter. Ok, maybe the name needed workshopping. "How are you going to get back?"

"I know yer good fer it. I'll have the old man work up an invoice and we'll send it to admin." Mhairi gave a dismissive wave at that, she wasn't one to overly fret for the finances. "I have some business to attend here, after which I planned on turning into a bird and simply flying the fuck away." She gave a bit of a chuckle at that, if only that were possible. "I figured I could ask Cameron to give me a ride intae town."

"Oh, right, you and Cameron - that's a thing. Well, far be it from me to keep you from your beau," the tall teacher winked, as he opened Omen's door to get in. There was no way he wasn't going to go for a test drive at speeds some people would frown upon. "You two have fun. And, thanks again."

"You're.." Mhairi looked over in the direction of the Institute's garage, then back at Alastair getting ready to get into his car and driving off. "You're taking her for a spin?" She had been rather conservative when driving over this way. Sure there was the occasional turn that in any other car you'd slow down for, but she'd kept it neatly under the speed limit, and when it came to a car like Omen under the speed limit was possibly the last place you'd want to be. "I mean. Cam isn't expecting me, so if you're taking a tour of the highlands..." she shifted the balance on her feet a bit in anticipation of an invite into the car.

"You're welcome to come along if you want," Al smiled, motioning to the passenger side door as he paused, semi awkwardly half in, half out of the car. "Just be warned - I'm gonna drive with some - ... enthusiasm. Find some twisty roads that are never patrolled, see how she handles," Beat. "Should be safe, if you've built her right." he added with a knowing wink, sitting down in the driver seat.

Mhairi couldn't remember the last time she got into the passenger seat of a car as quickly as she did just then. "You should consider racing seats and five point belts." She knew how well she had built it, and part of the appeal was definitely the enthusiasm she expected him to put into driving it around. "I know a good bit of road up t' hill." She smiled. This was going to be so much better than with the banged up truck or even her own land rover.

"You know, that's not a bad idea. That'll be for next time though," Al smiled. He breathed in deep before turning the key and starting the car. The familiar snarl was just a little bit throatier now, just a little bit more raw. He listened to it settle at idle as he put on his seat belt, then when she had done the same, he pulled out of the parking space, taking it easy for now. "Well, you know a nice bit of road you say? Just tell me where to go."

Mhairi sat back in the seat and made sure she was ready for the beast that was about to be released. "A left there." She pointed to the end of the bridge. The rest of the instructions would come later as the leisurely pace they had taken off school grounds quickly turned into a torrential outpouring as the engine, with its new cylinders, breathed fire and lunged them onward into the highlands.


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