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Material Girl

Posted on Tue Dec 26th, 2023 @ 22:54 by Freya Callaghan MD

Chapter: Winter's Crest Festival
Location: New Cresthill
897 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

There was a chill in the air that Freya had never quite gotten used to since moving to Scotland. Georgia in the US was always much warmer, a more humid climate and she enjoyed that.Slowly though she was being converted to the Scottish way of life.

Christmas time always brought out a smile in her as she wore festive sweaters and jewellery. There was a spring in her step and she always hummed a little tune to herself. She once made eggnog, never again. She ended up getting a lot of the hospital’s nurses drunk by putting a little too much alcohol in it. Even now it still brings up a rather warm sensation as whereas the memory was messy it was all still good hearted and fun.

Freya had gotten the bus, public transport let her take in the scenery on her way into town. New Cresthill was rural, which she liked, with a landscape to die for with beautiful rolling hills and on a clear day like today you feel like you could see beyond the horizon. This time of year any trees were skeletal figures hugging the ground to stay put, they’d been there for possibly hundreds of years and would not be moved. The light frost on them made her smile.

In the distance she swore she could see a stag posing. A strong stoic stance that looked out across what he would deem to be his domain, his land. Behind him came a few doe’s and they began to move on from the crest of the hill Freya had been captivated by.

The bus came to a stop, a lurch forward that would remove anyone from their daydreaming.

It had arrived in town.

Freya had heard there was a small material store in town, a haberdashery if you wanted to be quite posh and specific, but it also sold knick knacks and things for hobbies such as knitting, crocheting and whatnot.

Entering the store a small bell rings to let whomever in there know they have a potential customer. “Be right out.” Freya heard someone shout from behind a small curtain.

Freya nodded subconsciously and began to browse some fabrics she could use for the festival back at Avalon. There was a mix of colours, kind of pale tones, you know blues, teals, that kind of thing, and some other fabrics she felt she could sew together to make some dresses. There was a dark red she couldn’t take her eye off of and even if it never made it into staging of the Les Miserables song or two Avalon was planning she was sure she could find other uses for it.

“What can I do for ya hen?” a thick scottish brogue filled the room as a heavy set woman came out and pushed the glasses back up her nose. She had a bad posture, as if she suffered from quite bad lower back pain.

She caught Freya staring, “Don’t make me stand here all day love. C’mon, what’re yi after?”

“Oh!” Freya shook from her stare. “I’m looking for some fabrics that’ll be quite durable but breathable. I work up at Avalon and we are putting on a little Les Miserables show, a song or two.”

The woman thought for a moment. “I saw you eyeing up a couple of things yourself…” she hinted with her head.

Freya went over and gathered some of them up. “I do love these.” she almost swooned.

“Can maybe do you them for £60? £70?” the woman replied. “Providin yi have pounds in your pocket and not dollars.” she almost huffed.

Some of the older generations didn’t like the idea of Americans ‘invading’ their country, but Freya had thick skin and over the years working in the medical world she often didn’t notice.

Freya smiled and put money on the counter and to the women's delight, and wide eyes, accepted the payment.

“I’ll need some receipts please.” Freya said sweetly.

“No bother darlin’. I can get those but they’ll be handwritten.”

“That’s fine, thank you.” Freya touched her arm. It was something she’d always done. Sometimes a bit of human contact made all the difference. “You should come, you know… to Avalon. You can bring some friends and make a day of it.”

“I dunno sweetheart…” she hesitated.

“It’ll be my first one, the Winter’s Crest Festival I mean.” Freya began to pack up her newly acquired things. “I hear it's amazing. Lots of activities, food, drink and some of the other residents are coming as well. I’ll get you good seats to Les Mis.” Freya winked.

The woman chuckled softly. “Okay, okay. I’ll see what I can do, and who I can convince to come with me. Here you go.” she said, handing her the receipts she’d been writing whilst Freya tried to convince her to come over to Avalon.

Freya smiled and gave the woman thanks before leaving the store.

As she stepped outside she wondered if she should do a bit more investigating of the town before heading back to the institute. She didn’t get out much as it was and it was nice to be amongst some new people in a town that did give off quite the community feel.


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