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Do opposites actually attract?

Posted on Wed Nov 22nd, 2023 @ 18:38 by Jonathan Monroe & Kaylee Ashton BSc

Chapter: All Hallow's Eve
Location: English Classroom
Timeline: November 3rd
1601 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Walking quickly through the castle, Kaylee was headed for Jonathan’s classroom in search of an answer. Her other half had been urging her to at least tell Jonathan that she found him cute, if not straight out attractive, and see where it could lead. It had been some time since her last relationship and now with most of the staff picking themselves up after a rather harsh defeat at the hands of these ‘Rangers’, Kaylee figured that she might as well offer Jon a shoulder to cry on.

Stopping outside of Jonathan’s classroom just as his last class for the day was released, Kaylee waited for the students to all leave before stepping into the room, “um, hey Jon, got a minute?” She asked, feeling her heartbeat in her ears as she stood just inside the doorway.

Looking up from a stack of books, Jonathan rubbed his tired eyes but perked up when he saw who it was.

"Oh, hey," he motioned that she could come in. "Feels good to try to get back to normal classes, doesn't it? Feels like a few of the students might have been shaken up. Speaking of - how's your chest?" he asked, pointing to his own sternum. "You took a nasty hit. On the mend?"

Kaylee gave a shrug before wincing in pain, “more or less. It still hurts if I take in a deep breath or stretch too hard, but it shouldn’t be much longer. How are you feeling? You got knocked around quite a bit as well.”

"I'd say you should see the other guy, but - well, you saw him. Or rather, her. She made quite the impression." He touched his cheek, which thankfully hadn't retained more than a mild bruise. "You took a bit of a risk trying to take her on like that. It could have been a lot worse," he added with concern.

"I know, but I had some things I wanted to protect," Kaylee said as she looked away for a moment before returning to him, "the school for example. It's our only sanctuary where we can just be ourselves without having to worry about what people think." She said as an idea came to her, "um, do you need an ice pack for that bruise?"

"Hmm? Oh, no - it's okay. I can deal with the odd shiner. Makes me look all tough, you know?" he offered a self-depreciating smile at the notion. "Like you said, we're in a place where I'm not worried about what people might think about it."

Giving a small laugh, Kaylee shook her head, "can you call it looking tough when you were beat up by a girl?" she said, before taking a couples of steps forward while giving a shrug, "sorry, I have been corrupted by Cam a little. Are you sure you don't want an ice pack? It will help with the swelling."

He paused, second-guessing the insistence with which Kaylee offered her help. "I, uh...don't know if you should be touching me. If that's what you were meaning. I just...since the fire and - losing control, I mean - I'm still a little uncomfortable with people getting that close." He bit back on his own words a little. "Sorry. That sounds like I'm being ungrateful. I'm just being cautious, I hope you understand."

Hesitating for a moment, Kaylee took a breath in before taking another step forward, “believe me, I understand. When I was in high school, I accidentally froze a couple of bullies that were pushing me around, along with half the building, causing it to collapse. I was the only lucky one. I think I was extremely fortunate that the Human Extremists didn’t find out that it was me” she said, stopping a few steps away from him, “It took me years to even feel comfortable enough to start using my powers again, in fact, until recently I called my powers a curse. It’s because of people like Cam, and Phoebe amd Claire that I can feel safe with my own ability to control my powers. And, if you’re willing, I’d like to help you with yours” she offered, the tone of her voice becoming softer as she spoke.

While it was true she still had a long way to go before she could even think about calling what she had control, it could be a journey that two people in similar boats could take together, “I think, out of everyone here, I’d be the least likely person for you to burn.”

"Kaylee..." Jonathan caught himself mid-protest. Reasserting a semblance of equilibrium, he did his best to be as sympathetic to her feelings as possible. "I know how to control my powers. That's part of the problem - I learned that I needed to control my emotions...that letting them out was akin to starting a wildfire. If I get too close and start to let that slip..." He didn't want to dwell on the memories that would bring up. "I burned a house down, and you think I'm not capable of hurting you?"

Standing her ground, Kaylee heard the hesitation in Jon’s voice which gave her pause. She had to admit, she was always going to be a little scared of Jon’s abilities as they were the exact opposite to hers and was her biggest weakness, but she also couldn’t deny her attraction to him. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the fear factor or the idea that if Kaylee ever lost control, Jon would be the only one who could bring her under control again, but there was something there telling her to try.

Looking into his eyes, Kaylee gave him a warm smile, “I didn’t say you weren’t capable of hurting me. I meant that out of everyone here, I was the least likely for you to harm due to my own abilities” she said holding out her hand with the palm up like the first time they met, “I’m not sure what it is, but something’s telling me I can trust you. So I’m willing to try if you are.”

Jonathan forced himself to meet her gaze. It was hard to let himself do that; years of conscious effort to maintain that delicate balance had become second nature. But there was something in her determined expression that, unironically, melted his guard a little. "All right..." he said softly. "What is it you had in mind?"

Taking a deep breath in, Kaylee winced for a moment before slowly released it before taking one final step closer to him, "how about we start with that bruise?" she said before slowly reaching up with her hand and gently placing it on his cheek. As she did, Kaylee took another quick breath in and out to focus her mind before making her hand cold. As she rested her hand on his face, there was a slight sizzle as the two skin temperatures reacted to one another.

The touch was numbing, as Kaylee promised, though he couldn't keep her gaze as she touched him. The long-buried heartache at the sensation of being touched and the tragic outcome it so often resulted in was hard to escape. The pain of dealing with those memories and the repressed feelings that came with them were not so easily numbed as a bruise might be.

"Thanks..." he mumbled. "That feels...better." He wasn't sure he fully meant that; the physical effect of her cooling touch barely offset the emotional discomfort. He pulled his face away. "D-did it hurt you?"

Looking a little worried as Jon pulled away from her, Kaylee shifted her gaze to her still outstretched hand. She could still feel the warmth of his skin on hers and, like the last time they touched, her skin was warm pink instead of its usual pale colour. Returning to her warm smile, Kaylee shook her head, “no, I’m not hurt” she said as the opposite thought cams to her. Suddenly her expression changed to one of concern, “oh, I didn’t hurt you did I? Did I make my hand too cold?”

Jon touched the spot on his cheek. It felt cooler than usual, and the pain was a little dulled. "No, it didn't hurt. I'm just not used to feeling the cold. Even here in the delightful Scottish climate," he said, trying to use a moment of humour to deflect other thoughts. After a beat, he added, "Thank you."

Giving Jon a warm smile, Kaylee patted his shoulder, "you're welcome Jon. I'm here if you ever need some support" she said, letting her hand rest on his arm for a moment. In this moment, Kaylee felt warmer than she had in some time, and it wasn't just because of the fire bug in front of her. Though even the feelings she was having could also be blamed on him. "have you got any other classes today? or would you like to come with me to the dinning hall for a cup of tea?"

"I've finished lessons for the day, but I should probably wrap up my last few bits..." he said, apologetically. But he found himself looking back up at her. "Rain check?" he suggested hopefully.

Giving her lips a quick nervous lick, Kaylee nodded, "rain check. Call me?"

He just nodded sharply. As she left, Jon let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. His mind lingered on the doorway, before reluctantly returning to work.


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