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A burning favor (get it? because it's about burners? ... I'll see myself out)

Posted on Wed Oct 25th, 2023 @ 14:43 by Alastair Temple & Valjean Beaumont

Chapter: All Hallow's Eve
Location: Kitchen
Timeline: November 3rd
1350 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

He'd met many new people, seen many new areas, moved his stuff (not that there was much of it) to his new digs, but there was one more person to meet. With this thought in mind, Alastair found his way to the kitchen area, around dinner time. Hopefully the person he was looking for was there.

The sounds of the kitchen were echoing out of the small confines of the room. As soon as the door opened there was a cacophony of metal clangs and French commands. There was no pause as the doors opened, as if it wasn't noticed. It was definitely something that required a double take though as there were at least a half dozen of the same man rushing around the room in what appeared to be a very well choreographed dance routine involving pots and pans. This close to dinner time they were clearly trying to get things out on time.

Al had promised himself nothing would surprise him in this place. After all, that was why he was here, because so many people had unique abilities. It even took him a moment before it sunk in that all these people were the same person. When it dawned though he chuckled, and observed them for a moment. The choreography was amazing. Almost like a dance, as the cook moved to avoid bumping in to himself, a well oiled machine of multiples of one. Eventually though, he did clear his throat. "Hey, got a moment?"

When the newcomer entered the kitchen there was near to no reaction from the different Valjeans. When he spoke up all of them looked up at the same time, before five out of six decided it was not worth their time and the primary Valjean stepped around the kitchen block to come closer to the man. "'ello, it is very busy so close to dinner." His French accent was waning as he spent more and more time around native English speakers, a group which technically he was a part of.

"I can see that. Figured this'd be the best time to make sure someone's in here, but I can come by later if that's better for you," Al offered, knowing how annoying it could be to be interrupted while you were working on something.

"You are not wrong." Valjean commented, looking over his shoulder to check on the progress of the meal. "We 'ave a few hundred mouths to feed, especially since some of them need much more than your standard intake." His eyes narrowed a bit, "is that true for you?"

"Nope. I could even keep myself fed by hunting rats," He'd done it before. "Prefer not to, though," Alastair added with that rogueish smile of his again. "Name's Alastair Temple, new Music teacher. I just came in today, was wondering if I could ask a small favour of a different kind."

"Favours come in 'ard and fast around 'ere." The French Chef commented before folding his arms showing exactly how he felt about providing or receiving said favours. He simply gave an inquisitive look to indicate he was awaiting the revelation of said favour.

Al took this as an invitation to at least state the favor. Whether it'd be granted was something else entirely. But, least he could do was speak. "You see, I'm a shifter. I turn into a large raven. Thing is, when I do that, my clothes don't change with me. And I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one in the institute with that problem. So I'm putting bathrobes all over the place so shifters like me have a something to wear when we shift back to our human form," with that he showed Valjean one of the bathrobes he'd purchased (en masse) for precisely this purpose; a simple but comfy looking black one. "I was wondering if you'd let me put one in your kitchen - out of the way of course."

"And 'ave naked people running around my kitchen?" There was a wave of headshakes throughout the duplicates in the kitchen before the primary one mirrored them. "Non." He could barely cope with the intrusions into his sacred realm as it was, if they had an excuse there would be no stopping them. "Non, absolutely not."

"Well, no. Not naked. Bathrobe," Al held it up again. "Though, I suppose I should start over. Is there anything you need, for your kitchen? Like, materials, cookware or equipment, that I could help with?"He smiled a warm smile that was almost like grin. "Something you can't get from Claire?"

Valjean's eyes narrowed. Two of the other Valjeans stopped what they were doing for a moment, before exchanging a glance and getting back to their chopping and stirring. "What do you mean by this?" the French chef asked, curiosity piqued at the proposition of getting around the acquisition process.

"Well, it's very simple. I'm sure Claire doesn't have the funds to cater to every department't whims and wishes, especially after recent events and rebuilding all the damage to the facilities. I'm also certain she wouldn't mind if I helped her with some of this. Especially if it helps the one - ... ones? keeping us all happy, healthy and fed. And me, I'm just a concerned teacher wanting to help. Maybe in exchange for a small favor of my own," Al's voice was a soft baritone, with a slight conspiratorial tone, as he patted he bathrobe again.

There was a change in Valjean's eyes. He knew that there was a process for getting new equipment, and there were reasons why sometimes new books in the library and new audiovisual equipment in the auditorium took priority in those acquisitions. The opportunity to get an additional stove was almost too good to pass up, even though the one he was working on had been installed when the institute was going through renovations in '89. The growth of the faculty and student body meant that he needed to be very efficient with his meals and burners. "Well. Favours make for very dangerous things." He came from an environment where having or owing the wrong favours could get you dead.

The change in Valjean's eyes was noted, and Al knew he at least had the man's attention. Men? He didn't even know the cook's name yet. He'd figure it out later, he was sure. "That's why I'm proposing a trade. You know what I want. You tell me what you want, I go get it, and you'll let me put a bathrobe in an out-of-the-way spot. Presto, favour called in, repaid, and no longer owed."

"We're short a couple of burners." Valjean looked over his shoulder towards the stove. There was still room, and the stove they had was absolutely top of the line. Part of why he hadn't gotten an expansion yet was because he wouldn't settle for less now that he had this one. "I'm sure there's a wallhook available in the office." He pointed over at the small door off to the side. While he was protective of his privacy and personal space, he barely used the two by two room with a desk anyway.

"Consider it done," Al nodded easily. He checked over the stove for a make and model, quickly jotting it down, offering Valjean a smile. "I'll get one delivered, depending on availability. I'll let you know when I know more. Pleasure doing business," the tall man grinned.

As Valjean nodded and returned to his station in the kitchen the feeling started to creep up on him that he had cheated on Claire somehow. Not in the romantic sense, but still. She had given him the opportunity when nobody else would. A chance to redeem his misdeeds in a warm and welcoming environment and now he was getting supplies behind her back because going through the official channels was a bit too much of a hassle. When he heard the many hands around him slow in their process possibly due to similar contemplation he looked up with a stern scowl; "Au travail!"


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