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Mon Jan 13th, 2025 @ 22:33

Magali Isebeart

Name Magali Isebeart

Role Caretaker

Character Information

Gender Female
Powers Enhanced agility, hearing, darkvision, clawed feet
Powers Description Magali has enhanced agility, enhanced hearing, and can see in near dark conditions. Finally, she has strong, clawed feet.
Alias Night Owl
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 157cm
Hair Color Various shades of lightbrown and cream
Eye Color Bright yellow
Physical Description Magali is a sight to behold, short of stature and ostensibly frail in build, with pale skin. But most noticable is a glorious crown of feathers, in various shades of cream, tan and brown. Tall, mobile, feathered ears on top of her head. Her nose is sharp, almost like a bird-of-prey's beak. Eyes of bright yellow behind round rimmed glasses. She normally wears light colored clothes that complement her natural colors. Finally, she walks on strong, clawed feet, like those of a bird of prey.


Significant other n/a
Children n/a
Parents Ijsbrand Isebeart
Louise Isebeart-Goossens
Sibling(s) Myril Isebeart

Personality & Traits

General Overview Magali, Maggie to friends, is a kind and gentle soul. She understands she can seem quite frightening with her predatory features and her strange, owl-like way of moving. She keeps to herself most of the time, but can be a fiercely loyal friend to those that take the time and chance to get to know her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Magali has enhanced hearing, specifically sensitive to the sounds of prey creatures, small rodents and birds and such. She can see in near-dark conditions, though a small amount of light is still necessary, similar to a cat. She has heightened agility and reflexes, similar to a top athlete, but not super-human. Her clawed feet are dexterous and powerful.
Ambitions To walk freely and safely among humans in public
Hobbies & Interests Magali has a keen interest in the brewing of drinks, that she names potions. Various coffees and teas, for the most part. Cocktails when appropriate.

She enjoys a sappy romance story.

She enjoys reading to others.

Personal History Growing up on a farm in belgium, Maggie's childhood was fairly normal. Homeschooled, the younger sister to an older brother, growing up a studious and eager learner and worker. Life was fairly normal, until puberty hit and her mutation manifested. At first doctors refused to help her, until the family found a mutant-friendly physician, who guided her through the hardest aspects of mutating. That mostly being her feet and part of her legs, changing from normal human ones to the clawed ones of a predatory bird.

Fortunately, the semi isolated farm life and homeschooling allowed for Magali to develop in relative peace, in an understanding and patient family unit. As such she grew up into adulthood, where she took to farm life. Eventually though she decided that farm life wasn't for her, and wanted to spread her proverbial wings. When she heard of Avalon institute she saw an opportunity to make something more of her life and journeyed over to apply for a job.
Mutant Registration Status Unknown Entity
Assigned House None