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Wed May 10th, 2023 @ 10:18

Tom Albridge

Name Tom Albridge

Role Teacher: Other

Character Information

Gender Male
Powers Terrakinesis
Powers Description Can create, shape and manipulate earth
Alias Ajax

Physical Appearance


Personality & Traits

Personal History Tom Albridge was born on June 4, 1973 in Manchester, England. He was raised in a loving family who encouraged his interest in education and the natural world. As a child, he was fascinated with geography and spent hours reading maps and studying the earth's geography.

After completing his secondary education, he decided to pursue a career in teaching and geography.

He enrolled in a bachelor's degree in education and geography at a local university, where he excelled in his studies. His teachers were impressed by his dedication and his ability to connect with his students. Upon graduation, Tom secured a job as a geography teacher at a high school.

Over the years, Tom developed a reputation as a knowledgeable and engaging educator. His students appreciated his creative and hands-on approach to teaching geography, and he was known for his ability to make even the most complex concepts accessible.
Mutant Registration Status Known Unregistered Entity
Assigned House None